

Oscar López Rivera, inauguration boycotts were big stories in conservative media today.

时间:2024-09-22 07:00:49 出处:产品中心阅读(143)

A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

No single story dominated conservative media today, but there was some focus on Obama’s pardon of Oscar López Rivera, a former member of a Puerto Rican independence group; the Democrats’ inauguration boycotts; and Snoop Dogg, who criticized would-be inauguration performers.

The commutation of Rivera’s sentence garnered at least as much attention as that of Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who released classified documents to WikiLeaks, pardoned by Obama on Tuesday. “López Rivera never apologized or repented for his terrorist activities,” Sean Hannity’s website wrote. “As we reported yesterday, Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning as well. Guess releasing one anti-American stooge wasn’t enough for the outgoing president.” Breitbart posted that, “Hamilton producer Lin-Manuel Miranda is ‘sobbing with gratitude.’ Why? Because President Obama announced his decision to free Oscar Lopez Rivera, a Puerto Rican domestic terrorist serving 55 years in prison.” Breitbart’s story about Manning, meanwhile, focused on her gender reassignment surgery: “In prison, Manning went on a hunger strike to demand sex change surgery in prison, which was granted by officials at the cost of American taxpayers.”

In other news:

Conservative media continued to blast those boycotting or otherwise protesting the inauguration. Sean Hannity and Breitbartreported on alleged plans to disrupt the inauguration, as documented by conservative activist and videographer James O’Keefe. Hannity’s website said, “UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Leftist Plot to Attack D.C. Transit During Inauguration Exposed!Breitbartwrote: “James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Tuesday showing left-wing activists with the ‘DisruptJ20’ effort plotting to stop Donald Trump’s inauguration by chaining D.C. Metro trains and blocking roads.”

And Snoop Dogg’s pre-emptive criticism of any of black artist who would perform at Trump’s inauguration also broke through on conservative media. The Daily Caller’s headline read: “Snoop Dogg Dares ‘Uncle Tom-A** N*ggas’ to Perform at Trump’s Inauguration.” Breitbartran a similar story, and it was widely shared on conservative Facebook pages:

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